Lighting Package
If you are not familiar with a light fixture, click on the light name to view an image
1 Nanlux 1200 COB LED - Daylight
1 Aputure 300D Mark II - Daylight with Light Dome II and Fresnel
1 Nanlite Forza 150 - Daylight
1 Nanlite MixPanel 150 (RGB, HSI, CCT)
2 Nanlite MixPanel 60 (RGB, HSI, CCT)
2 Nanlite PavoTube 30C (Astera eq) LED T12 Tube. RGB, HSI, CCT
4 Nanlite PavoTube II 30X (Astera eq) LED T12 Tube. RGB, HSI, CCT
2 Nanlite PavoTube II 6C - 10" Tube LED T12 Tube. RGB, HSI, CCT
2 Nanlite Forza 60 (w/fresnel)- Daylight
2 Nanlite Forza 60B - Bi-color
2 Leko Adapters 19 and 36 degree (for Forza 60 and 150)
1 Cineflex Flexible LED 4'x1
1 FalconEyes Flex LED 18"x12"
1 1.2k LTM Par w/Electronic Ballast
1 2.5KW Desisti Softie w/Magnetic Ballast
2 Chimera Soft Boxes
1 Chimera Lantern Softbox
1 Chimera Medium Pancake w/ Skirt
Aputure Light Dome II
Aputure Lantern
(see grip package for more modifier items)
10 Light Stands
1 Mathews Light Boom
(see grip package for more support items)
* Package is rented with gaffer. Sorry we do not rent items without at least one crew. Call for rates, 850-362-0001.